"We cannot solve problems with the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

~Sir Albert Einstein

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Fluoride Dangers


I would like to take a few moments to talk about Fluoride and the many problems is poses to human health and liberty. Why do I mention Liberty? I mention because it because It’s use is completely illegal and therefore infringes on our rights. It's kind of like dumping an unapproved drug into the drinking water. There are several good resources for fluoride information that I will site and then you—the reader—can go about doing your own research and decide for yourself how you feel about the subject. 

Besides it’s proven risks to the thyroid gland, bones and kidneys, it also poses strong risks to brain function. Anything that may impair the proper development and function of the brain is automatically going to raise a red flag for me.

Now, if a society is only as good as the sum of it’s parts, and if you want to have the most efficient and prosperous society possible, common sense would tell you that each and every person needs to be of the highest health, highest abundance and highest possible intelligence. In this way, strong, intelligent people accumulate to make a better collective result. With this in mind, do we really want to risk our health in the vain attempt to prevent a few cavities? 

My hope for the world is that we will eventually steer away from unhealthy thinking, living and eating patterns and collectively shift to a paradigm of high morality, high mind, high science, high spirituality and high culture. A society such as this would be the most beautiful thing I could hope to see in my life. To achieve such heights we must first address and fix the problems that hold us back. Step 1 would be to remove ANYTHING that could damage or impair—in any way—our brain and nervous system. If we can’t even think straight we’ll have no hope of working together to solve the many problems that we are now faced with in our modern age. 

Fluoride is one of the things that is holding humanity back in a major way and here is some facts that will explain why.

A great source for fluoride information is The Fluoride Action Networks website, www.fluoridealert.org. Here they site many facts that you won’t normally hear in the mainstream. 

Here is a brief excerpt from The Fluoride Action Networks's article, “10 Facts About Fluoride.”

                “1) 97% of western Europe has chosen fluoride-free water . This includes: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, Scotland, Sweden, and Switzerland. (While some European countries add fluoride to salt, the majority do not.) Thus, rather than mandating fluoride treatment for the whole population, western Europe allows individuals the right to choose, or refuse, fluoride.”

            “2) Fluoride is the only chemical added to drinking water for the purpose of medication (to prevent tooth decay). All other treatment chemicals are added to treat the water (to improve the water's quality and safety - which fluoride does not do). This is one of the reasons why most of Europe has rejected fluoridation. For instance:

In Germany, "The argumentation of the Federal Ministry of Health against a general permission of fluoridation of drinking water is the problematic nature of compulsion medication."

In Belgium, it is "the fundamental position of the drinking water sector that it is not its task to deliver medicinal treatment to people. This is the sole responsibility of health services."

In Luxembourg, "In our views, drinking water isn't the suitable way for medicinal treatment and that people needing an addition of fluoride can decide by their own to use the most appropriate way."

            “3) Contrary to previous belief, fluoride has minimal benefit when swallowed. When water fluoridation began in the 1940s and '50s, dentists believed that fluoride needed to be swallowed in order to be most effective. This belief, however, has now been discredited by an extensive body of modern research (1).

According to the Centers for Disease Control, fluoride's "predominant effect is posteruptive and topical" (2). In other words, any benefits that accrue from the use of fluoride, come from the direct application of fluoride to the outside of teeth (after they have erupted into the mouth) and not from ingestion. There is no need, therefore, to expose all other tissues to fluoride by swallowing it.”

          ”4) Fluoridated water is no longer recommended for babies. In November of 2006, the American Dental Association (ADA) advised that parents should avoid giving babies fluoridated water (3). Other dental researchershave made similar recommendations over the past decade (4).

Babies exposed to fluoride are at high risk of developing dental fluorosis - a permanent tooth defect caused by fluoride damaging the cells which form the teeth (5). Other tissues in the body may also be affected by early-life exposures to fluoride. According to a recent review published in the medical journal The Lancet, fluoride may damage the developing brain, causing learning deficits and other problems (6).”

          “5) There are better ways of delivering fluoride than adding it to water. By adding fluoride to everyone's tap water, many infants and other at-risk populations will be put in harm's way. This is not only wrong, it is unnecessary. As western Europe has demonstrated, there are many equally effective and less-intrusive ways of delivering fluoride to people who actually want it. For example:

A) Topical fluoride products such as toothpaste and mouthrinses (which come with explicit instructions not to swallow) are readily available at all grocery stores and pharmacies. Thus, for those individuals who wish to use fluoride, it is very easy to find and very inexpensive to buy.

B) If there is concern that some people in the community cannot afford to purchase fluoride toothpaste (a family-size tube of toothpaste costs as little as $2 to $3), the money saved by not fluoridating the water can be spent subsidizing topical fluoride products (or non-fluoride alternatives) for those families in need.

C) The vast majority of fluoride added to water supplies is wasted, since over 99% of tap water is not actually consumed by a human being. It is used instead to wash cars, water the lawn, wash dishes, flush toilets, etc.”

            ”7) The industrial chemicals used to fluoridate water may present unique health risks not found with naturally-occurring fluoride complexes”

 The site goes into too much detail to list here but if you would like to study the full gambit of facts you can go to www.fluoridealert.org and read this and more, as well as review their sources.  

Another good resource for natural news and health related information is Dr. Mercola’s website,
www.mercola.com. To access the information on his site you will be asked to sign up on his e-mailing list but beyond that there are no requirements for you to subscribe or buy anything; all though, he does have supplements for sale on his website.   

Here is the first segment of Dr. Mercola’s Interview with Dr. Paul Connett, a trained chemist and founder of The Fluoride Action Network.



 Mike Adams, the founder of www.naturalnews.com , also produces high quality videos on important, health related topics.


Here is a very informational video that Mike created about fluoride entitled, The Fluoride Deception. 



I hope this blog has opened your eyes to the dangers of fluoride and that it will inspire you to further your own research on the subject.  

I would also like to throw out a website for a terrific water filter producer that can help you to filter Chlorine, fluoride, as well as many other chemicals that could be lurking in your tap water. 

If you look on the left hand tool bar you'll see links for both countertop and undersink filter styles. 

So long and until the next blog I will continue to envision an abundant world full of crystal clean drinking water, peace and prosperity. 


Sincerely Siege 

Assist the Healing of the World!

Most of you probably take on the commonly prevailing attitude, "what can I do about anything, I'm just one person."  My job is to inform and remind mankind of the power of the many. When we ALL change our attitude, then we begin to see real changes take place. The problem is that we need people who are willing to get the ball rolling--people that are willing to fight through the self defeating attitudes and reach for higher idealistic causes. Collectively we can change our world and our way of life one person at a time. I invite you all to join me and start participating in our democracy. Here are some sites that can get you started. It only takes a few minutes to read about some of the current campaigns taking place and their related issues. Then if you feel that you have formed an opinion on the subject, you can do some petition signing. It's up to you how much you want to participate. The important thing is that you do. 

Avaaz.org: The World In Action, is a very well constructed activist site that creates large scale petitions for global issues. In the past they have received hundreds of thousands of petition signatures against things like "the Protect IP Act," "ACTA," and the killing of endangered species. Signing their petitions is easy and they have quick links to all the major networking sites as well as a live message feed for people signing the petitions. The website is also chalk full of information so I would highly suggest going there and checking it out. 

As of today, (3/28/2012), the "Save the Rhinos" petition has over fifty seven thousand, four hundred signatures. :) 



Food Democracy Now is one of my favorite activist websites. Current campaigns include topics such as “Tell Obama to Label GMO’s,” “48 Hours to Tell Congress to Label GMO’s,” “I Want an Organic Farm Bill,” “Farmers VS Monsanto,” and more. The website is full of valuable information and features a running blog, T-shirts area, and videos.



Here’s a list of some more campaign/petition sites that you can check out and hopefully get involved with.

http://oxfam.convio.net    (Donations for charities)

http://www.nrdc.org/    (National Resources Defense Counsel)

http://justlabelit.org/take-action/   (Campaigns for GMO labeling on foods)

http://www.adbusters.org/    (Activist campaigns, march/protest dates and information, live streams and twitter feeds.)



I realize that there is some controversy over whether or not petitions, protests, talks and gatherings are effective at creating lasting change but I think if we continue to spread awareness and information it is bound to cause chain reactions. I don't see how it could be any other way. I also think that we're already seeing many changes taking places right now and it's all due to slow, collective paradigm shifts. Thanks to all of you who are reading this and thank you to all that will go on to exercise your democratic responsibility. 

Sincerely Siege

5th of November, Bank Transfer Day

Today has been dubbed Bank Transfer Day or alternatively, Move Your Money Day.


Some Elaboration:

Hundreds of Thousands, perhaps even millions of people across the nation are fed up with corporate greed, a shrinking middle class and no concrete or timely solution for the rising percent of unemployment in our country. People began protesting and Occupying major cities around the world feeling that perhaps their voices would finally be heard.

Of course there are many problems and subsequently, many voices to be heard. There are several things, however, that have remained constant unifying subjects in these Occupy Movements. One of these points is that the major US banks received hundreds of billions of dollars in bail out money, (socialist handouts), and while many of these CEO’s received record profits as well as raises, the common citizen never really saw much benefit.

Jobs continue to vanish, middle class continues to shrink, inflation continues to climb and un-employment rates soar like the Bald Eagle.

Now we see Bank of America become the first to issue a checking card fee? This is not good business.


Solution: Move Your Money Day

So what do we do then to rectify this problem with banking fraud, greed and corporate money in government? Well, needless to say, I was delighted to hear that people were gathering together in solidarity and planning a day of mass transfers from major banks (such as Bank of America, Chase and Wells Fargo) to the democratic embrace of Credit Union Vaults around the country.

I for one have already made this switch…about 3 years ago. But it’s not too late for everyone else, as we can see by the launch of Bank Transfer/Move Your Money Day.

This event is so intriguing for me and it will be very interesting to see how it turns out. Around 80,000 people have pledged to move their money on the Bank Transfer Day's Facebook page  and I'm excited to see how many actually commit to doing it. There are also some major Marches planned for today, probably more than I’m even aware of. With any luck at all the banks will get a wake up call that change is on its way, with or without their cooperation.

Sincerely, Siege

MOTHER EARTH IN PERIL: Why are so many animals dying!??


When observing Europe’s Euro take over, Egypt’s growing police state, the oil wars, the US’s economic downfall, government officials purchasing child pornography, mind boggling and bizarre spiral and UFO phenomenon in the sky, and now this spate of mass animal deaths, it is painfully clear that if ever there was a time for an eye opening wakeup call in the hearts and minds of men worldwide, the time is now.

It is time to awaken to the true potential that lies at the core of every man and women on the Earth!

This recent trend of mass animal die offs is a deep cause for concern. Any person that tries to shrug off these events is truly blind to the magnitude and severity of whats going on.

I can say honestly that I’m not in total agreement with some of the media’s conventional explanations for these events. “5000 birds were shot down by some fireworks??” Millions of fish wash up dead because, “they sucked up all the oxygen in the water?”

When observing the “conventional” explanations of by the corporate media please use common sense and tread with caution.

*Common sense would lead me to the question: if there wasn’t enough oxygen in the water for some Sardines, why are they the only animals in that location that died?

*Common sense would lead me to the question: If 5,000 + birds died via fireworks, why didn’t they have any burn marks? Also, why is it then that mass amounts of birds have died in other locations during times when no one was setting off any fireworks?

*Common sense would lead me to the question: If there is a ‘conventional’ explanation to these things and if perhaps this has happened in the past (as some say) why is it that there SO MANY ANIMALS DYING OFF with increasing frequency over the last 4 or 5 months? Nothing like this has ever happened before in our recent history.

I have some leads to possible alternative explanations on these events but they would probably be labeled as conspiracy theories. In my opinion they are the only viable explanations considering how many holes the conventional ones seem to have. They simply do not, in many cases, incorporate all of the facts and neither do they fit them into a larger world context.  

Here’s a link to an article at NaturalNews.com  that has a great timeline including animal deaths up to 01/14/11. This article comes complete with links to the media's conventional explanations for each event.





A link to a google map with markers and info for some of these die-offs:



Whatever the reasons one thing is for sure: Our world is trying to tell us something. It is giving us a warning. It is saying, “I’m a living entity and you are beginning to damage me almost beyond repair. I’m drawing a line in the sand and will be forced to use desperate measures to insure my survival if something does not change soon.”


I think we should listen. I think we should act and I think we should use these modalities:

*Peaceful non-cooporation with corrupt governments and corporations

*Meditation and contemplation.  (in the wilderness is encouraged) 


*love and respect

Related Videos:

7000 Buffalo die in Vietnam

Mysterious mass animal deaths in 2011, in one week.


Millions Of Sardines Dead In Redondo Beach Southern California Marina 8th March 2011




Stay informed, stay positive and stay empowered. 

We are all so strong at our core and if we can just hang in there we can work together and pull through these times of hardship. 

Sincerely Siege

5,200 pentagon Employees PURCHASED Child Pornography!

 One could probably label me a conspiracy theorist if they wanted to. There is so much about our government, as well as world governments, that just doesn’t jive with me. So when situations like this crop up in the public view perhaps people can begin to realize that all is not what it seems with regards to our “honest and patriotic leaders.”

Remember, these are the same people that give themselves raises in times of economic crises, raises that come out of the tax payer's pockets. 


5200 Pentagon Employees PURCHASED Child Pornography! (Why Is This Not A Bigger Story?)


Pentagon Computers Used for Childporn


I think that the age of government corruption is slowly beginning to come to light. I think this growing awareness will trigger the necessary actions to transform our current political, economic and monetary systems for the better.

Think these are strong statements? Only time will tell. We all have front row tickets to the end of the world as we know it. Not the end of the world entirely. Just the end of the world as we know it now. 

Bring on the RENAISSANCE!!!

Sincerely Siege

First Tribute

What better way to kick off my music section then by posting the music video for the song “Uprising” by the band Muse. I love this song. With all of the mind numbing, brain washing music out there like Lady Gaga and the rest, let me hear a HIP-HIP-HOO-FREAKIN-RAY for music with a real message. I take a look back at a lot of the rock and pop music from the 80’s and all though I’m aware that there has always been garbage out there, there also seemed to be a lot of honesty and substance. A lot of today’s music seems so lifeless to me. A cut and paste money making scheme is all that it is. It’s not art.

So this section will be a regular tribute to bands that have valuable qualities, messages or intentions that can be associated with real art. Of course, what is “real art” is up to the discernment of you, the reader, but I hope that you can see where I’m going with this.


Today’s Post: “UPRISING” by Muse

I have a few thoughts about this song. First off: the song and the video where both done very well. Me likes. Secondly, they are obviously unhappy with the growing Kleptocracy that has grown like a fungus from our country’s government. I for one am so relieved that there are busy, accomplished people out there taking the time to look into things and not just take Fox News’ proverbial word for it. All though I like to focus mostly on the positive there are certainly a lot of injustices happening around the world at this time and it’s my job to make sure that people are well informed so that we can all define, individually and as a collective, what we truly want.

Note: the giant angry teddies seem to symbolize the idea of “the sleeping giant.” Meaning that we as the people have been asleep to the truth for a long time but very soon things will get so bad that we’ll HAVE to wake up. 

Thank you Muse for writing good music and putting your message out there for the empowerment and inspiration of all. 

(Sorry everyone. After I posted this video I realized that it has been blocked from embedding by youtube. No worries though if you click on the link it should take you there straight away). 



There's more where this came from. I'll be posting some more good music, along with my thoughts, during the ensuing weeks.

Until then I wish you the best of the best every day and in every way.

Sincerely Siege 

China mass produces fake rice out of plastic!!??


Ok, I just read an article that made me feel sick. When I feel that bad after reading something I know it's important for me to inform other people about it. 

People all around the world in developed countries wake up in the morning and go about their day as if everything has and will always be the same for them. This naivety is a very dangerous thing indeed because the power has always and will always rest with the people. Power in numbers. And if everyone is brainwashed and cornered into their little nook they call "their lives" then this leaves us broken and disempowered.

You people should be furious...but most of you are not. Most of you are generally uninterested with the steadily decline our world is in. This seems like a very bad thing...but it could be a good thing.

"We cannot solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them," ~Albert Einstein.

Mankind has spent so many thousands of years "fighting fire with fire," so to speak. Where has it gotten us? Half of the 'facts' you've read about in history books are twisted up with fabrication and lies. So whatever 'good' you think dropping bombs on innocent people, (guilt by association), has brought our country, I can tell you right now that it's just one big game to 'them.' I think the time has come that we WAKE UP! We have certainly waited until the last possible moment. Our whole world could fall into chaos at any moment. And all though I see SOOO MANY positive movements out there in the world right now, I can't neglect the atrocities being perpetraited against mankind by our "mommy's and daddy's"..our Faithful Governments. 

The health of our people..the world's people..will not come only by good deeds..or by "punishing the bad guy." We have to do both. It's like your personal health. You can start eating organic and drink a green juice once in a while..but that's not enough..you need to do a good detox cleanse as well. 

So what I'm saying is...let's wake up...but this time...let's show compassion. Let's show REAL STRENGTH. Violence and intimidation are not real strengths, they're cop outs.  Greed and corruption has infested every inch of our planet and IT'S TIME TO TAKE IT BACK. But we need to do this the civilized way. And I'm not talking about taking whole governments to court or some nonsense. The court systems are just as corrupt as anything else. One display of real strength, of people taking the power back in a fair fashion, was displayed at the end of the new movie "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward."  (Which I highly recommend). I guess I won't give it away since it is the end of the movie but for all of you that go and watch it now, you will know what I mean. 

Below is the link to the article about China mass producing and distributing plastic imitation rice. There's no need to go into details about it because it explains it all quite well. I will leave you with these final thoughts however. It's a quote from the last segment of the article that was far too well spoken not to post.  

"Fake stimulus, fake money printing, fake GDP growth, fake goods and services being produced, is ... forcing us to consume fake food because we can't afford real food, because we have no real growth, we have no real economy, we have no real industry, we only have fake stuff," bemoaned talk show co-host Stacy Herbert fromRussia Today. "So it makes sense that we're only eating fake food."

Learn more:http://www.naturalnews.com/031344_plastic_rice.html#ixzz1E0XAYnml

Come on people let's make this a place worth living already. 

Sincerely Siege

The Art of Liquid Nutrition

Behold the next evolution in smoothie technology…the Elixir!


In these modern times in which we live, nutritional problems run rampant. Despite regular eating, mal nutrition is wide spread in our western society. Soil depletion, pesticide and other toxic chemical sprays, over cooking and pasteurizing, and GMO’s have left mankind at a terrible disadvantage. If the human body does not get balanced nutrition, how can you expect it to feel good? How can you expect it to work properly? How can you expect it to fight off disease? How can you expect the brain to think clearly?

 My answer to these problems is raw foods and my method of choice is to blend them up into a liquid.

 By blending foods up into a liquid one can balance a concentration of the foods that taste ‘bad’ with the foods that taste ‘good.’ With experience you will learn what combinations and proportions make for the best drinks. In this way you can mix some fresh or powdered green vegetables in without it ruining the flavor of the drink. Also since the food is raw, none of its molecules are denatured or destroyed by heat or pressure and because it is in liquid form you will be able to digest it quickly and easily.

 Note: Please support Organic farming and agriculture as well as your own health by buying organic foods. In a capitalist society we vote by what we buy. Every time someone buys a GMO food over an organic one they are effectively voting for pesticides over natural food. Let’s vote for the good stuff not the bad. There are many natural methods and technologies that farmers can use to ward off pests from their gardens. I will elaborate on this in a later blog.

 Getting back to the point, I’d like to share with you some different ways that you can get a healthy blend of organic nutrients into your body so you can revitalize and regenerate the body.

 Types of Liquid Nutrition:

  • Juices
  • Smoothies
  • Seed and Nut milks (hopefully soaked)
  • Steeped Teas
  • Decoctions
  • And ELIXERS!

Juices:  Everyone knows about juice. It’s all around you when you walk into a supermarket. But are these juices …really juices? One look at the ingredients will tell you. One should always always always check the ingredient lists on food products. Does watered down, pasteurized, fruit concentrate with corn syrup sound like juice to you? It doesn’t sound like juice to me. So I will explain what a juice is so that EVERYONE can be 100% clear on this. A juice needs no ingredient list because it's just a bunch of fruits or vegetables thrown into a juicer and what comes out, you drink. The only problem with juice is that it can take a mound of fruits or an even bigger mound of vegetables to make. This can get expensive. So I view juices as supplements since they are so highly concentrated. To drink a tall glass of Orange juice can be like drinking the liquid nutrients of 3 or 4 oranges! When do you ever sit down and eat 3 or 4 oranges? I never do. But you can drink that much and still have an appetite left for a meal. Crazy. To make my money go the distance I use fruit and vegetable juices as an added liquid base for fruit or green smoothies, liquid salads or cold soups.

Smoothies: I honestly have no idea where this term originated from. All I know is that smoothies are bomb! A smoothie can be thick, thin, icy, or if you’re into dairy, can be turned into more of a shake. Mix up your favorite fresh or frozen fruits and berries with some good water or coconut water and you’re good to go. I personally like to take my smoothies to the next level though. How do I do it? By being a food warrior. I like to mix soaked nuts and seeds, powdered supplements, bee products, herbs, and even vegetables up to make profoundly nutritive drinks. Revitalize yourself with fruits, regenerate and heal yourself with vegetables and boost up with good quality supplements.  

 Soaked Seed and Nut Milks: These are thick milky liquids that you make by blending nuts or seeds with water or coconut water together in a blender. After a mixture is thoroughly blended, pour and strain it through cheese cloth to remove any leftover chunks or fibrous particles. The result is a delicious nutty beverage, (or seedy one). You can get creative by blending in things like pitted dates to add more hardiness and enhanced flavor.

Something to keep in mind is the practice of soaking your nuts and seeds. Most nuts/seeds are covered with enzyme inhibitors. This means that your own digestive enzymes are inhibited from being able to break the nuts or seeds down, making them terribly hard to digest and therefore significantly less bio-available.  Also when you soak nuts/seeds long enough they will begin to sprout which means that they have become more bio-active with enzymes. This makes them even easier to digest. Eating foods that are rich with digestive enzymes leaves your body the freedom to use its own for the thousands of other bio-chemical reactions that it needs them for. Remember, our bodies produce a finite amount of enzymes in our life. One to three days after we've produced our last enzyme, as it has been proven, you will be dead. 

Steeped Teas: Teas are warm liquids made by softening and extracting the nutrients from herbs via simmering water. I LOVE TEAS because you can mix so many different types of herbs together to make different healing concoctions. There’s an herbs for almost every ailment out there so do your homework and think about incorporating some into your diet. One of my favorite combinations is Jasmine and Pau d’Arco.

Decoctions: A decoction is very similar to a tea. The difference is that decoctions are usually made harder or generally crude materials that require long boiling in order to extract their essence. Two examples that would require decocting would be roots and Chaga mushrooms.

ElixirsThe traditional definition of an elixir is a sweetened or aromatic liquid with a combination of alcohol, water and medicinal compounds.

Throw out the alcohol and you’re left with a more natural version of the same thing. My all time favorite way to make an elixir is to steep a medicinal or tonic healing tea, combine it with a nut or seed milk and then blend it up with other smoothie ingredients that you think should match in flavor. What you end up with is a warm, frothy, comforting, super nutritive beverage that is so satiating with healthy fats, carbs and proteins that it can more than replace a solid meal. Eating your meals in this way makes them easier and quicker to digest and rests much more lightly in the stomach so that you aren't weighed down when you want to be active. Like if you want to take a hike for instance. 


Free Elixir Recipe!!!!!!

The Winter Siege Drink:

1) 2 cups tea consisting of: (measurements are for 2 cups of tea total)

  1. small pinch of Basil
  2. 1/2 tsp of lavender pedals
  3. pinch of Pau d’Arco bark.  (strain the material out at the end)

2) 1 and 1/2 cup Almond nut milk

3) 1/2 of a Banana

4) ½ Tbsp raw honey (or a ½ tsp of green Stevia powder)

5) 1 Tbsp Coconut oil/butter

6) 1 tsp Spirulina

7) ½ tsp powdered Kelp



I will make a list of all of my favorite supplement and herbal ingredients in a later post along with descriptions of their health benefits.


Until then I wish you all the best of the best every day and in every way.

Sincerely Siege

Convert Landfill Garbage Into Oil??

While doing some research one afternoon, I came across this video and thought it was very interesting. The video is about a way to essentially recycle garbage from landfills by mulching it down and turning it into a natural gas, an inert carbon material and oil. In the process the natural gas that is created is re-directed back into the system to provide energy for the factory. The inert matter, I assume, can be put back into the soil and the oil can be converted into gasoline.

This video blows my mind and I can’t believe it hasn’t blown the minds of the people that I’ve shown it to. I don’t think most people are grasping the implications of what this could mean for us so I’ll make a few extrapolations and then you can decide what you think about it.

The first and most immediate benefit this would provide for us is more oil. Now I know that some people would argue that this would only be prolonging a dirty, primitive energy source that should have died out 40 or 50 years ago. I realize that point and I agree with it. However, as unfortunate as it is, we are stuck in a predicament that needs not only permanent solutions but transitional ones. This converting of landfill garbage into oil is a great example of a transitional technology.

This brings me to my second point, which is a question. *How *do*you*get*rid*of*landfills? This technology is one of the only real solutions to our landfill problems that I've personally ever heard of. I do; however, like the idea that Scott Brusaw, (creator of the Solar Road Technology), had for compacting inert landfill garbage and using it as a foundation for his solar roads. Aside from these two technologies we have no other choice but to let our garbage slowly grow over the land like a creeping fungus. It would cost a fortune to blast garbage into space so that option’s out, (not to mention the damage it would cause to the atmosphere).

I really like the fact that this process has already proven itself and could be integrated into the system very quickly.

My ultimate vision for the world is one where mankind stops burning oil for fuel entirely. The way that this technology fits into that vision is to recycle the landfills into oil and then pump that oil back into the earth. Ever heard of a sinkhole? Huge sink holes have been caused in the past due to oil extraction. Also, according to the USGS, (United States Geological Survey), it is possible that the decline of underground fluid pressure due to ongoing oil removal could eventually raise coastal sea levels. Mankind is constantly doing things that it thinks is ok but in actuality will have harmful effects on the ecosystem in the future. There may be other negative side effects to removing such vast amounts of oil deep from under the Earth. I say we make use of our garbage, put the oil back from which it came and leave the earth like we found it. 

With those points in mind here is the video that will explain all about how this Landfill recycling/oil refining technology works. 

My thanks to Brian Appel CEO for pushing this technology. 

Sincerely Siege

Mount Shasta snow run off water POLLUTED!!



Recent tests showed that Mt. Shasta, a mountain in northern California, had polluted snow run off water. The results of the test showed the water to contain 6,110 mcg of aluminum, 383 mcg of strantium and 83 mcg  of barium per liter of snow run off water. The report stated that government action was required for aluminum levels above 1,000 mcg per liter. 

Aluminum: A heavy metal that contains trace amounts of the 27AI radioactive isotope and has been shown to collect in the human brain when consumed in too much abundance causing residual inflammation. 

Strontium: A metal containing the unstable 90SR radioactive isotope found in nuclear fallout. It is created as a result of nuclear fission and presents health problems because of it's ability to replace calcium in the bones, preventing expulsion from the body. 

Barium: A metal that can damage the nervous system and when inhaled in dust form can create a lung condition known as Baritosis. 


Watch this video for much more scientific details that point to chem-trails as the only logical culprit for this sudden increase in pollution. 



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Yeah, I would love to get off fossil fuel entirely but this does seem like a good way for us to recycle at least some of our landfill debris.

Man, anyone who hasn't seen this film is missing out. It's so thought compelling and inspiring.

one of the best project of landfill

i also wanr to work on this project

I agree. I will be posting some of the better ones from time to time. That way I can get people's creative juices going so they'll be inspired to do some experimenting themselves. :D

Recipes are great! I think it might be worthwhile if you jotted down all your recipes. You've done so much work experimenting, you could give people a huge boost by sharing your blends.