"We cannot solve problems with the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

~Sir Albert Einstein

Blog posts : "Advancements of Energy Technology"

Convert Landfill Garbage Into Oil??

While doing some research one afternoon, I came across this video and thought it was very interesting. The video is about a way to essentially recycle garbage from landfills by mulching it down and turning it into a natural gas, an inert carbon material and oil. In the process the natural gas that is created is re-directed back into the system to provide energy for the factory. The inert matter, I assume, can be put back into the soil and the oil can be converted into gasoline.

This video blows my mind and I can’t believe it hasn’t blown the minds of the people that I’ve shown it to. I don’t think most people are grasping the implications of what this could mean for us so I’ll make a few extrapolations and then you can decide what you think about it.

The first and most immediate benefit this would provide for us is more oil. Now I know that some people would argue that this would only be prolonging a dirty, primitive energy source that should have died out 40 or 50 years ago. I realize that point and I agree with it. However, as unfortunate as it is, we are stuck in a predicament that needs not only permanent solutions but transitional ones. This converting of landfill garbage into oil is a great example of a transitional technology.

This brings me to my second point, which is a question. *How *do*you*get*rid*of*landfills? This technology is one of the only real solutions to our landfill problems that I've personally ever heard of. I do; however, like the idea that Scott Brusaw, (creator of the Solar Road Technology), had for compacting inert landfill garbage and using it as a foundation for his solar roads. Aside from these two technologies we have no other choice but to let our garbage slowly grow over the land like a creeping fungus. It would cost a fortune to blast garbage into space so that option’s out, (not to mention the damage it would cause to the atmosphere).

I really like the fact that this process has already proven itself and could be integrated into the system very quickly.

My ultimate vision for the world is one where mankind stops burning oil for fuel entirely. The way that this technology fits into that vision is to recycle the landfills into oil and then pump that oil back into the earth. Ever heard of a sinkhole? Huge sink holes have been caused in the past due to oil extraction. Also, according to the USGS, (United States Geological Survey), it is possible that the decline of underground fluid pressure due to ongoing oil removal could eventually raise coastal sea levels. Mankind is constantly doing things that it thinks is ok but in actuality will have harmful effects on the ecosystem in the future. There may be other negative side effects to removing such vast amounts of oil deep from under the Earth. I say we make use of our garbage, put the oil back from which it came and leave the earth like we found it. 

With those points in mind here is the video that will explain all about how this Landfill recycling/oil refining technology works. 

My thanks to Brian Appel CEO for pushing this technology. 

Sincerely Siege

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