"We cannot solve problems with the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

~Sir Albert Einstein

Blog posts : "Activism "

Assist the Healing of the World!

Most of you probably take on the commonly prevailing attitude, "what can I do about anything, I'm just one person."  My job is to inform and remind mankind of the power of the many. When we ALL change our attitude, then we begin to see real changes take place. The problem is that we need people who are willing to get the ball rolling--people that are willing to fight through the self defeating attitudes and reach for higher idealistic causes. Collectively we can change our world and our way of life one person at a time. I invite you all to join me and start participating in our democracy. Here are some sites that can get you started. It only takes a few minutes to read about some of the current campaigns taking place and their related issues. Then if you feel that you have formed an opinion on the subject, you can do some petition signing. It's up to you how much you want to participate. The important thing is that you do. 

Avaaz.org: The World In Action, is a very well constructed activist site that creates large scale petitions for global issues. In the past they have received hundreds of thousands of petition signatures against things like "the Protect IP Act," "ACTA," and the killing of endangered species. Signing their petitions is easy and they have quick links to all the major networking sites as well as a live message feed for people signing the petitions. The website is also chalk full of information so I would highly suggest going there and checking it out. 

As of today, (3/28/2012), the "Save the Rhinos" petition has over fifty seven thousand, four hundred signatures. :) 



Food Democracy Now is one of my favorite activist websites. Current campaigns include topics such as “Tell Obama to Label GMO’s,” “48 Hours to Tell Congress to Label GMO’s,” “I Want an Organic Farm Bill,” “Farmers VS Monsanto,” and more. The website is full of valuable information and features a running blog, T-shirts area, and videos.



Here’s a list of some more campaign/petition sites that you can check out and hopefully get involved with.

http://oxfam.convio.net    (Donations for charities)

http://www.nrdc.org/    (National Resources Defense Counsel)

http://justlabelit.org/take-action/   (Campaigns for GMO labeling on foods)

http://www.adbusters.org/    (Activist campaigns, march/protest dates and information, live streams and twitter feeds.)



I realize that there is some controversy over whether or not petitions, protests, talks and gatherings are effective at creating lasting change but I think if we continue to spread awareness and information it is bound to cause chain reactions. I don't see how it could be any other way. I also think that we're already seeing many changes taking places right now and it's all due to slow, collective paradigm shifts. Thanks to all of you who are reading this and thank you to all that will go on to exercise your democratic responsibility. 

Sincerely Siege

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5th of November, Bank Transfer Day

Today has been dubbed Bank Transfer Day or alternatively, Move Your Money Day.


Some Elaboration:

Hundreds of Thousands, perhaps even millions of people across the nation are fed up with corporate greed, a shrinking middle class and no concrete or timely solution for the rising percent of unemployment in our country. People began protesting and Occupying major cities around the world feeling that perhaps their voices would finally be heard.

Of course there are many problems and subsequently, many voices to be heard. There are several things, however, that have remained constant unifying subjects in these Occupy Movements. One of these points is that the major US banks received hundreds of billions of dollars in bail out money, (socialist handouts), and while many of these CEO’s received record profits as well as raises, the common citizen never really saw much benefit.

Jobs continue to vanish, middle class continues to shrink, inflation continues to climb and un-employment rates soar like the Bald Eagle.

Now we see Bank of America become the first to issue a checking card fee? This is not good business.


Solution: Move Your Money Day

So what do we do then to rectify this problem with banking fraud, greed and corporate money in government? Well, needless to say, I was delighted to hear that people were gathering together in solidarity and planning a day of mass transfers from major banks (such as Bank of America, Chase and Wells Fargo) to the democratic embrace of Credit Union Vaults around the country.

I for one have already made this switch…about 3 years ago. But it’s not too late for everyone else, as we can see by the launch of Bank Transfer/Move Your Money Day.

This event is so intriguing for me and it will be very interesting to see how it turns out. Around 80,000 people have pledged to move their money on the Bank Transfer Day's Facebook page  and I'm excited to see how many actually commit to doing it. There are also some major Marches planned for today, probably more than I’m even aware of. With any luck at all the banks will get a wake up call that change is on its way, with or without their cooperation.

Sincerely, Siege

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