"We cannot solve problems with the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

~Sir Albert Einstein



Hello everyone and welcome to The Renaissance Movement. The word Renaissance has several variations of meaning. The definition of the word that I like is as such: a renewal of life, vigor, interest, etc.; rebirth ;revival. It's meaning can be traced back to the word's Latin roots: re-  "again" + nasci  "be born."  Again be born! The spirit of the word characterizes a time that seemed to embody it's meaning perfectly. I believe that we are beginning to see another time such as this manifest before our very eyes. 


I've created this site for 3 major and very important reasons and they are as follows:

1) To be a gathering place to celebrate art and culture. Be it cutting edge, indigenous or even ancient in nature.

2) To inform and spread awareness in an overarching stratification of topics and attempt to bring them together in a relevant and cohesive way. 

3) To inspire in the hearts of man the hope of a better future and the path to a new world. 

For the first time in human history we are faced with the very real threat of extinction. Never before has there been such a global state of unrest and upheaval. War profiteering, lobbyists, secret society agendas, elitist corruption, government lies, mass media brain washing, money market schemes, debt based economies, conspiracy theories, holy wars, pandemic, starvation, genocide, suicide, flawed health care industry, polluting of the environment, polluting of precious air and water, mass polluting of oceans, degradation of the biosphere, mass landfills, toxic herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, pesticide infused or "Genetically Modified"  foods and ultimately the degradation of the human gene pool. This list doesn't have to stop here. It could go on and on and on and on. 

Am I the only one who thinks this is INSANITY? I can't just sit back under the guise that everything in the world is ok simply because fox news isn't talking about it. Our world is in SHAMBLES. A monkey could figure this out and yet millions and millions of people continue to go about their daily lives consuming with reckless abandon with no regard to what mass manufacturing is doing to our environment. OUR demand for products is causing earth damage at the rate of approx. 4 billion trees and 4.9 km3 of oil per year. That's 10,958,904 trees and 84 million barrels of oil per day! 

Why am I telling you this? I want to make sure the severity of the situation is fully realized for without a push, without a shock, mankind usually stands still. I BELIEVE that we can not only fix our conditions but do it together in unity to bring everyone consciously into a new golden age. A new Renaissance is upon us and is showing us the wondrous possibilities of the evolving human species. This site will present talks on problems, solutions and current affairs as well as culture in all its forms. 

I welcome ALL to join me in the spreading of information, development of wisdom and celebration of human culture. Let us usher in a new age and a completely golden renaissance!