"We cannot solve problems with the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

~Sir Albert Einstein

Blog posts : "Spiritual Practices"


A Path to Wholeness


I was going to write a blog a little more down to earth but since I lost all progress on my article about dome building technology, I’m going to write about Meditation instead.  :)


Meditation is one of, if not thee most powerful spiritual exercise. It is a method by which the surface chatter of the mind begins to move from the foreground of your awareness to the background. The farther it goes the more conscious awareness is freed to experience the true Self. It is a way of centering one's entire being and bringing the elements of  life into clarity. All of one's perspectives, thoughts, concerns, fears, needs, emotions, desires etc. will simplify during meditation and begin to synthesize into a more helpful and practical stream of data. Then even this simplified and helpful progress of thought can be bypassed to reach the higher consciousness of the presence of the higher Self and even beyond that to a state of blissful unity with all that is. Such has been reported by the great spiritual sages of the ages. 


I myself have never consciously reached such higher states as those associated with enlightenment. I usually get to what feels like perhaps the beginning or middle space of the higher mind. Here most problems seem simple and my path is shown more clearly. I have reached, on occasion a deeper state of mediation where my path and connectedness was self evident and there was nothing much in the mind still nagging at it. These are the moments where I feel like I have finally become free of the stresses of life that are perceived and created in the mind. This was one of Siddhartha Gautama Buddha’s greatest insights and contributions to future civilizations. That ultimately, it is the human mind that is the cause of all suffering and that to be truly liberated from it one must practice a centering and synthesizing of self through meditation.


From these deeper states of purified conscious awareness comes wisdom like that of the legendary figures of past and and even a few in the present. Many used parables or riddles to get the contemplative process of the learning individual to uncover the truth for themselves. From this wisdom, answers that may normally have seemed lost to the student could come into view.


The farther one travels along their spiritual path the clearer their truths will be shown to them.


I prescribe this exercise to any person that is having trouble making a decision about something, having difficulty sorting out their thoughts/feelings or who is simply looking for some insights about life. Meditate. Practice it in whatever way seems to appeal or work for you. Experiment. Never get caught up with a school of thought or teaching that states that there is only one way to do this. Do what feels natural and let your methods and visualizations stream into your awareness naturally. Don’t worry about fighting the mind and its various mentations. This will only strengthen the grasp of the chattery surface content of the mind. Allow yourself to be and begin to direct your awareness on one thing. It could be a Mudra that you are holding and the heat you feel in your hands with an increase of energy. You could try concentrating your awareness to your breathing or listening to the sounds around you in your environment. This focusing of mind has a calming and centering effect. As you do this you will move into a deeper or more collected state of being where physical relaxation and mental clarity occurs.


Eventually you may begin to merge the act of centering the mind with some intuitive or learned technique for working with your energy. One technique that I practice is called “chakra clearing.” This is a technique in which creative visualization is used to envision a detoxing or purifying of the 7, respectively colored energy centers of the human energy system. There are many ways that one can go about visualizing this and as I have stated before, the best way is usually the way that comes to you naturally. Be intuitive and explore your consciousness.


Centering and even healing does not just occur local to the mind during meditation. Meditation works holistically by clearing every level of your being, be it mental, emotional, physical, or spiritually as your energy body. Seeing that all of these levels are intimately connected it makes sense that to heal one area will have positive effects on other levels as consequence. I myself have experienced many benefits through meditation, some of which I will describe in further blogs.


Try meditating for yourself and see how you feel. Results will show with consistency. Like with ANYTHING if you give it time it will work.


It’s good to remember too that there are other spiritual practices that will each yield a variety of different benefits. I will write about some of these techniques in the near future and you will be able to read about them right here on this blog!


Until then I wish everyone the best of the best every day and in every way.

 Sincerely, Siege

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